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CubeBrush Challenge 2018 (U47)

Wooo, we have a new challenge. This time we're working on a 2D animation for CubeBrush. We have to design a character either inspired by the light, or the dark. Now I've had a character in mind for a while but is kinda in the grey area. Because this character works for the light, but his methods are dark. The character will be wearing a cloak draped over a robotic arm with a utility belt with a knife, a hand cannon and several ammo pouches. He will also be wearing a mask to assist with breathing in harsh environments. I was thinking of having him walk through a desert wasteland of sorts. Perhaps an abandoned city, reclaimed by the desert.

I've started the concept phase and I'm stuck on how to design the character's head, I've created upward of 25 different designs and labelled them 1-25. I posted the concept images on social media to try and get feedback on favoured designs by people.

Helmet Concept ideas

People had six different designs that they liked. These were 1, 4/5, 13, 16, 21 and 25. I opted to go for a combination of several different designs. The final design resembles the seven concepts that were selected, borrowing from different elements of these into a single design.

Matching the head concept with the body I had in mind has allowed me to generate a complete design that I'm happy with.

I've decided to create my animation using the online software, Piskel. I originally wanted to draw my animation by hand although because of the time limitations I have and my inexperience in that animation style. Despite this I do hope to learn this style and remaster my animation. This will allow for more detail and more complex movements.

The original animation was meant to depict my character, Serqar, walking through a desert with the sun rising in the background before approaching the top of a sand dune with the sun behind him creating a silhouette.

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