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Building it brick by brick U49

Ok so I'm going to start tinkering with the Unity Engine so that I can add Unity to my list of software's I am proficient in. This can also provide you with basic info about video games engines as a whole, using Unity as a basis. Because Unity is a bit of software I am new to I will also be recording this post will also link back to U8. Take note ;)

When constructing an environment the objects you put into the engine will either be Static Objects or Dynamic Objects.


Static Objects

These compose the majority of any virtual environment. This is because static objects only react to players through collisions. These take the least amount of processing power because shadows get pre-rendered and player interaction is limited. Examples of Static objects may include; Buildings, walls, floors, stairs/ramps.


Dynamic Objects

These take up much more processing power than static objects, this is because dynamic objects can be interacted with the player in different ways and must have different attributes to go with those reactions. The shadow system for dynamic objects also need to be dynamic in order to match the location of the object. Dynamic objects can also have physics to match a player interaction, whether a player is moving it by running into it or by shooting it. These physics can add weight to objects like vehicles and differ e.g. moving a car would be easier than moving a tank. Some games have a large amount of dynamic objects, such as Battlefield where pretty much everything is destructible to the player. Other examples of dynamic objects include; doors, vehicles and weapons. A lot of games incorporate two of the same object, one that's dynamic and one that's static, and have a trigger zone to make a static object, dynamic. Door's in some games do this when you aren't meant to enter a certain area. Any Dynamic object can be static, it just needs to have all of the attributes added to it to get taken away, only allowing player collision, in some cases.

The brief we've been given is to create a Lego game level that falls under a specific genre. I'm creating a Sci Fi flight game. I'm taking inspiration from sci fi properties like Star Wars.

I'm looking at the exact specifications in the brief and seeing how I can adapt them into an original experience, at the same time, because of the new tools I am using in the form of the Unity Engine, I am wanting to record all the skills I learn while developing this game level (U8).

I have a basic vision in my head of what I want to achieve and because I'm working alone on this project I don't have to worry about sharing the vision and trying to match the idea up with someone else. In short I'm wanting the player to be apart of a small fleet of ships facing off against a fleet of much larger ships which are protecting a space station with a weapon pointing towards Earth. One of the design specifications is to incorporate some form of promotion for Legoland Windsor, I didn't want to do this in a way that seemed forced like a billboard or sign. Instead I'm having it so the Station is aiming it's weapon directly at Legoland and that that the player needs to destroy the weapon before it fires.

I've started using Magicavoxel to create the templates for the assets in my game to give my game a pixel art aesthetic similar to that of Lego sets. At this current time I'm using the default template vehicle to get an idea of the controls and the speed. Making alterations where I deem it necessary.

At the moment I'm finding Unity a lot more satisfying to use than Unreal, purely based on the easy to use UI and how quickly it is to change an element. Especially using the Playmaker tool set. Allowing me to work with complex code just by creating logical self explanatory flowcharts.

So I recently remembered about the online software called MecaBricks which is essentially like a virtual Lego kit, it allows you to create anything using the Lego pieces available in it's archive. I'm now using this software to develop my game assets completely and with full detail.

Craig's provided me with Playmaker, which is a way for me to apply complex code to my game level without having to learn all the ins and outs of C++. This will be incredibly helpful for creating a more in depth experience for players.

Using Playmaker I've been able to apply different mechanics into the game to add more interactivity and to make the level feel more alive.


I've tried to branch off of the original control scheme provided in the base template.


The objective of the game is to fly around the debris field during the battle to collect and rescue escape pods and return them to your capital ship under a certain time limit. While this is happening your ship will be hunted by fighters who are hunting the surviving pods themselves. The secondary objective is for you to destroy all of these "Pod Hunters"

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